Wessex Archaeology is contributing to events marking European Maritime Day by holding a workshop in Paris on the archaeology of the Eastern English Channel. The workshop is taking place on 25 May and provides an opportunity for archaeologists and other marine researchers to share knowledge about a key area of sea lying between the UK and France. The workshop is taking place as part of the Marine ALSF project 'Use Many Times' that is re-examining high resolution data acquired for the Eastern English Channel Marine Habitat Map project in 2005-2006. At the time, the data were interpreted for geology, species and habitats; we are re-using this valuable data in 2010 to address archaeological concerns, including wrecks of ships and aircraft and evidence for prehistoric landsurfaces and deposits. Marine archaeology is intrinsically international in character. The Paris workshop provides an opportunity to share our inital results with colleagues and to gain insights from research from France. In turn, improved understanding will provide greater certainty in assessing the effects of marine aggregate dredging on the archaeological heritage in the Eastern English Channel. A further workshop will take place in the UK later this year.