Hi! My name is Vicki Lambert, and last week I began a one year’s EPPIC placement in the Coastal and Marine Department here at WA. The ‘English Heritage Professional Placements in Conservation’ is a joint initiative between the Institute of Field Archaeologists, English Heritage and the Institute of Historic Building Conservation, whereby they provide the funding and support for host companies, universities, museums and so on, to provide professional and specialist workplace learning. Ideally these placements will lead to a vocational qualification and also a step in the right direction in terms of establishing a career in the heritage field of your choice.
The EPPIC scheme has been established since 2003, and after a succesful application and interview, I was selected for one of the six placements organised for this year.
I’m delighted to have the opportunity of joining the C&M department and look forward to working with everyone and being involved in the various projects through the year! More information about the EPPIC scheme and the placements from this year and previous years can be found here.

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