Our CEO Chris Brayne and CSO Giles Woodhouse attended the Defence Infrastructure Sanctuary Awards Ceremony in London last week.

Wessex Archaeology has worked closely with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) for many years on development projects on the Defence Estates and the Army Basing Programme

This year's Silver Otter award went to an archaeological project on Rat Island featuring Breaking Ground Heritage, a charity run by a wounded veteran which we partner with regularly on Operation Nightingale ventures.

Chris said: "It was an honour to attend this year's award ceremony. We were delighted to celebrate the conservation, environmental and heritage projects hosted on the Defence Estate, which bring together serving personnel, civilian agencies and voluntary groups. We would like to extend our congratulations to all winners; it's fantastic to see the difference that these people and organisations are making to their communities. We are very proud to work with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation and of our close relationship, which allows us to offer something back to the serving community."

We also sponsor the Sanctuary Magazine, which features the Romano-British cemetery discovered during the redevelopment of the military estate at Ludgershall in its latest edition.