On 8 January 2015 Bas Coolen of ADEDE visited WA HQ to talk to Euan McNeill of Coastal & Marine, about collaborating on archaeological projects.
Bas travelled from the Netherlands where ADEDE, who specialise in archaeology, marine work and neutralising unexploded ordnance, have offices – their head office is in Ghent in Belgium. Wessex Archaeology recently worked with them on WW1 sites relating to a gas pipeline being installed near Ypres in Belgium.
Our Coastal & Marine team are well aware of the dangers of ordnance in UK waters. An estimated 10% of all munitions dropped during recent conflicts failed to detonate and still pose a risk to safety today. Undetonated ordnance is also present in military wrecks and, as some of our most recent projects have focussed on military losses, all of our team are trained to recognise ordnance.
We look forward to a continued relationship with ADEDE and to future international collaboration on offshore archaeological projects.
By Euan McNeill and Gemma Ingason