Artefacts from Barrow Clump brought the past to life yesterday for Anthony Hawley, grandson of Lt Col William Hawley, the man who first excavated the site in the late 19th century.  
Anthony was invited to visit Wessex Archaeology’s Salisbury office to learn more about his grandfather’s discoveries at the site and to see the results of the recent Operation Nightingale excavations. He met with Phil Andrews, Site Director, Laura Joyner, Community & Education Officer and Richard Osgood, Senior Archaeologist for the Defence Infrastructure Organisation and co-founder of Operation Nightingale.
Lt Col Hawley is most famous for his pioneering work at Stonehenge in the early 20th century. He was commissioned by the Office of Works, a predecessor of English Heritage, to excavate the foundations of several of the fallen stones before they were righted. This work was followed by a more extensive research project which led Hawley to conclude, correctly, that Stonehenge was a multi-phase monument. 
By Laura Joyner