Buildings Information Modelling (BIM) is a process currently being adopted by the construction industry, to allow better management of projects, through the sharing of integrated data. This usually takes the form of a building model in which each component is directly linked to data defining its properties. However, BIM is really about better information management and can take many forms, including the use of GIS. The rapid uptake of BIM is being driven by government policy which will see BIM incorporated into all of their projects by 2016. As part of a construction related industry, archaeologists may therefore have to start delivering data to clients in a compatible format.
BIM also offers Wessex Archaeology the opportunity to increase efficiency, improve our practices and explore new types of projects. The full potential for BIM is currently being explored by the Built Heritage and Geoservices teams in association with partner organisations. This will allow us to expand on our existing procedures, in which our projects already make use of many of the concepts behind BIM.