Day 5 at Buckler's Hard and the rain has definitely set in. Still all our volunteers carried bravely on in defiance of increasingly soggy and muddy trenches.

Work in the trench adjacent to the WWII slipway is exposing quite a lot of timbers that may have been boat supports. Its painstaking and fiddly work to careful expose the wood; not helped by some heavy downpours.












Over the last few days we have done a lot of work cleaning up and digging along the slipway itself. The big discovery today was uncovering an in situ roller that had been previously obscured by vegetation and a pile of concrete.

The finds have continued thick and fast mostly nails, screws and bolts but also a few more unusual items like the tiny and delicate pieces of a light bulb.


Once again remember you can try and spot us on the web camera a:

This is a Festival of British Archaeology Event funded by the New Forest Park Authority as part of their World War II Remembers Project. To find out how you can visit the dig, read our event webpages

Keep checking this events blog to find out what we discover over the Festival of British Archaeology (July 14th to July 22nd).