Today at Buckler's Hard we had visits from two of the local schools who tried their hand at digging test pits. With 128 kids in total it was a busy day for the archaeologists but the children all seemed to enjoy finding nails and fragments of pottery and brick as well as numerous bits of clay pigeon. In addition to the test pitting, members of the New Forest Park team led a session looking at some local finds and a walk through the woods with the children. Luckily the weather stayed fine, though the children came prepared in wellies and raincoats.

Unfortunately that can't be said for yesterday evening when there was a fair downpour leaving the trenches looking a little waterlogged this morning. Hopefully we will be able to dry them out over the next few days or someone might have to be digging with a snorkel.

Tomorrow the first of the volunteers will arrive to start unpicking the history of Buckler's Hard.

This is a Festival of British Archaeology Event funded by the New Forest Park Authority as part of their World War II Remembers Project. To find out how you can visit the dig, read our event webpages

Keep checking this events blog to find out what we discover over the Festival of British Archaeology (July 14th to July 22nd).