Today was an exceptionally beautiful day at Beaulieu with plenty of traffic in the river as well as lots of visitors keen to see what we had found.

More 'celebrity'  guests over the course of the dig have included Lord Montagu and Dan Snow. While Mary Montagu has herself been a keen and enthusiastic digger.

We started the careful process of hand planning the detail of what we have found in Trench 1. This low-tech but time consuming process will be teamed up with more hi-tech GPS surveying in order to build up a location plan of what we found on site.  Meanwhile others were busy in Trench 2, hurrying to finish digging the last few centimetres and making sure it was all ready to photograph.

With tomorrow the last day on site with the volunteers the focus will very much be making sure the detail of what we have uncovered over the days is documented through photographs, drawings and record sheets.

This is a Festival of British Archaeology Event funded by the New Forest Park Authority as part of their World War II Remembers Project. To find out how you can visit the dig, read our event webpages

Keep checking this events blog to find out what we discover over the Festival of British Archaeology (July 14th to July 22nd).