Announcing the winners of the British Marine Aggregate Producers Association (BMAPA) annual Archaeology Awards for 2014–2015!
These annual awards encourage the reporting of archaeological finds through the Marine Aggregates Industry Protocol that was developed by BMAPA and Historic England and further supports this partnership.

The Protocol provides a mechanism for marine aggregate industry workers to report archaeological finds and the Protocol’s Implementation Service provides training in identifying, recording and conserving finds. Once the finds have been researched, this information is disseminated back to the marine aggregate industry so that they can learn about the variety of finds that they have discovered during the year and their contribution to enhancing and preserving our marine heritage. 
Best Find – Underwater Swimmers’ Breathing Apparatus (Bedhampton Wharf, Tarmac) – a brass mouthpiece with twin rubber hoses manufactured by Dunlop, and used by Naval clearance divers during the Second World War. The find was discovered at the wharf in a cargo dredged from Area 372/1, located east of the Isle of Wight.
Best Attitude at a Wharf – Burnley Wharf (Tarmac) – for reporting more than twice as many finds (20 in total) during the protocol year as any other wharf.
Best Attitude on a Vessel – Arco Dart (Hanson Aggregates Marine) – for reporting a fragment of unusual sandstone recovered following a cargo dredged from Area 472 in the Bristol Channel.
a: German hot water plaque, b: Spoon, c: Mammoth tooth d: Aircraft frame or stringer
Congratulations to the award winners and to all of the vessel and wharf staff who keep their eyes peeled for interesting archaeological discoveries as they go about their regular work!