We are excited to announce that 'Excavating Barrow Clump: soldier archaeologists and warrior graves' has been nominated in the Rescue Dig of the Year category in the 2016 Current Archaeology Awards!
Operation Nightingale teamed up with Wessex Archaeology in 2012 to excavate a Bronze Age burial mound and Saxon cemetery at Barrow Clump, in the Salisbury Plain Training Area. Operation Nightingale is a military initiative which utilises archaeology to aid the recovery and skill development of soldiers injured in conflict.

Barrow Clump has been a site of human activity for over five thousand years. Originally a Neolithic settlement site, a burial mound (or barrow) was constructed in the Early Bronze Age and was re-used as a cemetery site in the Anglo-Saxon period. Although Barrow Clump is protected by its designation as a Scheduled Ancient Monument, Operation Nightingale was given special permission to excavate and record the barrow due to the extensive damage being caused by badgers. The project took place 2012 to 2014 and revealed a wealth of information about those who had occupied the area.
You can vote for Barrow Clump to win the Rescue Dig of the Year, Current Archaeology award via www.archaeology.co.uk/vote
Voting will stay open until 8th February, and the winners will be announced at the Current Archaeology Live 2016 conference.
Find out more about the Operation Nightingale excavation at Barrow Clump by clicking on the following links to further information: