Time has been flying as fast as ever and I have reached the middle point of my internship. I feel I have learnt a lot already and I’m sure the next three weeks will be equally as valuable. This week I tried to dedicate a bit more time to some of the OASIS related tasks and I finally feel as though I’m getting to grips with it! Still not my favourite activity but the database is definitely beneficial to the preservation of archaeological information.  
I was back in the finds room on Thursday and Friday labelling an array of finds, some of which I’d washed the week before. This involved using a marking pen and ink which left my hands in a blotchy mess that reminded me of my school days. Ink and mud aside I’m glad I’ve had the chance to work in the finds room. Admittedly it can be a little tedious when you’re scrubbing away at an endless pile of animal bones, but when you get to see finds like a Roman coin or a Saxon brooch it all gets quite exciting. I think this internship has reminded me why exactly I became so interested in archaeology. Written evidence can be boring and dry but something physical can capture the attention of those old and young. It continues to amaze me how we are still finding such well-preserved items from thousands of years ago.
By Catherine Coates