Conservation Management Plans (CMP) are a tool developed to set out the significance of a heritage asset, and how to conserve and manage the asset. The programme of works set out in the CMP aim at sustaining the significance for future use, along with a programme of repairs or alterations. The compilation of a CMP involves the collaboration of various professions and stakeholders.
As part of Wessex Archaeology’s Marine and Maritime Services, a number of Conservation Management Plans have been compiled, working closely with the National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN). Our team can carry out detailed assessments to establish what makes a heritage asset significant and how that needs to be maintained for future generations. This assessment entails desk-based research referring to archival documents and considering the biography of the heritage asset; an archaeological investigation of the asset; specialist surveys including fabric and paint analysis, Building Information Model, and dendrochronology; and consulting with relevant stakeholders. Following the assessment, a report is produced detailing the underlying Issues, Polices and an Action Plan. The latter provides guidance for the process of conservation and ensures that any identified issues are embedded in the project implementation.

Get in touch
Contact Dan Atkinson, Director Coastal & Marine and Scotland