Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Videotext Communications Ltd to carry out archaeological recording and post-excavation analysis on an archaeological evaluation by Channel 4’s ‘Time Team’ on Gateholm Island and Watery Bay Rath, Pembrokeshire, south-west Wales.
Watery Bay Rath, a coastal promontory fort, is centred on NGR 176877, 207966 and Gateholm Island on NGR 177005, 207215. Both areas subject to investigation are designated Sites of Special Scientific Interest as part of the Dale and South Marloes SSSI.
No archaeological work has previously taken place on Watery Bay Rath. In 1910, Gateholm was subject to a walk-over survey by T.C. Cantrill, who also excavated of one of the ‘huts’, and a further housesite was later excavated by T.C. Lethbridge and H.E. David in 1926. In 1971 a complete survey of the structural remains of Gateholm Island was undertaken.