Broadcast 16 May 2010
Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Videotext Communications Ltd to undertake a programme of archaeological recording and post-excavation work on an archaeological evaluation undertaken by Channel 4’s ‘Time Team’ at the site of Hopton Castle, Shropshire (Scheduled Ancient Monument 106648; NGR 336667 277930). The evaluation, comprising seven trenches, identified three major phases of activity on the Site: medieval, early post-medieval and mid 17th century, involving a siege during the Civil War, in 1644. The work was carried out on the 2nd - 5th June 2009.
As well as reviewing what was previously known about the upstanding remains of the medieval tower house, the evaluation also found evidence for the medieval moat and curtain wall. A large cellared building and a stone-built tower were also identified within the confines of the bailey. The dating for these remains uncertain, but they were likely to have been of medieval origin, but still standing during the Civil War siege.
To the north-east of the Castle, remains were encountered which were interpreted as being structures associated with the early post-medieval re-landscaping of the Site prior to the Civil War period. There was also evidence that some structures may have been demolished at this time.