In September 2005 an archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Channel 4’s‘Time Team’ at the site of Wayneflete’s Tower in Esher Surrey to investigate the site of the Esher Episcopi and the 15th century palace of the Bishops of Winchester.The evaluation was concentrated within the garden of what is now known as Wayneflete Tower, the former gatehouse entrance in to the palace complex, with other geophysical survey and limited excavation occurring in the neighbouring properties.
The Tower itself was investigated and tree-ring dating samples taken from the timbers of the structure in a dendrochronological survey.The aims of the evaluation were to locate the extent of the palace complex, and to identify individual buildings within the palace grounds, while attempting to locate earlier 13th and 14th century structures built upon in the 15th century, and any evidence of the later 18th century alterations to the site. Any uncovered in situ archaeological remains could then be viewed in conjunction with the cartographic evidence which exists for the site. Eight trenches were excavated in total, with seven trenches in the garden of Wayneflete Tower and a single trench in 57 Pelhams Walk.
To find out more about the excavations read the report below. To find out more about the Tower's history follow this link.