During the final stages of our excavation of a Romano-British pottery kiln at Congresbury, North Somerset, along the route of Bristol Water’s new Southern Strategic Support Main pipeline, we were pleased to welcome on to site members of the Yatton, Congresbury, Claverham and Cleeve Archaeological Research Team (YCCCART). YCCCART have been carrying out their own research into the Roman pottery industry for several years and were excited to see the first kiln site discovered since the 1960s. As well as a tour of the site YCCCART members also had the opportunity to handle some of the artefacts which had been recovered.
YCCCART members were accompanied on their visit by Cat Lodge, Archaeologist at North Somerset Council, and Mel Barge, Inspector of Ancient Monuments at Historic England. Cat Lodge said;

As part of Bristol Water’s Southern Strategic Support Main scheme, a number of new archaeological discoveries have been made, including one of the most exciting − a Romano-British pottery kiln at the end of Venus Street in Congresbury.
This is the first of its type to be excavated in over 50 years, and what an example! It’s not just the kiln itself that’s remarkable, but the substantial quantities of Congresbury Grey ware amounting to over 400 kg in weight indicate that this site, along with other kilns in the area was part of a significant pottery industry in the Roman period. 
It’s really exciting to know that we can now work towards producing an enriched typology of Congresbury Grey ware based on the variety and amount of pottery found at this site, which is mostly waster material. Archaeologists will also potentially be able to re-evaluate the extent of trading of these vessels within the region and further afield.’
To find out more about the project follow this link.