Today was the last day of digging on site and the last day with the volunteers. It was all hands to the pump (so to speak) to measure, record and interpret what we have carefully revealed over the last seven days.


However once this work was done it was time to celebrate a job well done with all the volunteers who have been on site over the last week. Buckler's Hard cafe prepared a fabulous cream tea which was a great way to end the dig.

In many ways the the most crucial part of the process is the records we leave behind us when the excavation is finished. While this is the end of the project for the all the volunteers; for me and Matt this is the beginning of the what is called the post-excavation stage. There is still lots of work to be done, strating with carefully cataloguing all the finds. All the information gathered from the excavation will be brought together into a report.

Tomorrow we are back on site to tie up all the loose ends and supervise the backfilling of the trenches.