Day 7 at Buckler's Hard and we are making good progress. Two of the trenches have been cleaned up and photographed so we were able to start digging deeper in some areas to see what is in the layers below.

Excavation in Trench 1 soon uncovered some planks laid flat in front of the concrete, tomorrow we hope to uncover more to try and discover whether they are earlier than the hard-standing.

Two of the volunteers also tried their hand at some recording, painstakingly drawing the detail in one of the test pits and learning the joys and frustrations of using a planning frame.

This is a Festival of British Archaeology Event funded by the New Forest Park Authority as part of their World War II Remembers Project. To find out how you can visit the dig, read our event webpages

Keep checking this events blog to find out what we discover over the Festival of British Archaeology (July 14th to July 22nd).