Our principles

  • We care for our people and the people affected by our workplaces, striving to develop an environment that positively promotes health, safety and wellbeing. 
  • We provide health and safety information, instruction and training relevant to our employees’ work situations and environments. 
  • We know that people can face significant physical and mental health challenges during their working lives, which have an enormous impact on individuals, their friends, and families, to our services and to customers.
  • We are committed to ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable the elimination of hazards and reduction of Occupational Health & Safety risks.
  • We believe that visible leadership is essential for positive engagement with health, safety and wellbeing. 
  • We provide opportunity for all staff, through their representatives, for consultation and participation in the development, planning, implementation and performance evaluation of the OH&S management system.  
  • We aim to lead our industry in health and safety performance, striving for continual improvements of our OH&S management system. Our system will ensure the fulfilment of legal and other requirements.

What does it mean for our staff?

  • They have the right to secure, safe and healthy working conditions.
  • They take personal responsibility, by their actions, in helping to ensure a healthy and safe work environment for their colleagues and themselves. 
  • They never walk by any work activity they believe is unsafe or unhealthy.  

This policy statement is communicated throughout the organisation in both hard and electronic copies. It is published on our website and made available to other interested parties. 



Construction Health and Safety Assessment Scheme
SMAS Worksafe Contractor
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